Office building floor plan software
Office building floor plan software

Why is that? Manual processes lead to: Lost or Delayed Leasing Opportunities These outdated methods of managing building measurement and floor plans are not practical for CRE organizations that compete to win best of breed tenants. Tracking floor plans and tenant data in filing cabinets or siloed shared drives.Using outdated or just plain incorrect measurement standards.Using architects for building measurement.The old way uses many manual, time-intensive processes just because ‘that’s the way we’ve always done it.’ The most typical methods of executing building measurement and managing floor plans and related data consist of :

office building floor plan software

Today there are two ways to manage building measurements, floor plan changes, and tenant lease data.

office building floor plan software

But the substantial cost of using m anual methods and relying on external firms is wasted revenue and time. Such methods are common when measuring buildings, or managing floor plans and tenant data.

office building floor plan software

What’s the point of using space management software? Many commercial property managers and building owners still happily rely on outdated methods for managing their properties.

Office building floor plan software